Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I went on the search for some books to help with my recovery today. I had a few hints from people online so I thought I would go look. It was amazing to me #1 How few books I could find and #2 of the books I did find, a lot of them were mostly geared specifically toward anorexia and bulimia. Now I had issues with bulimia in high school but now I fall more into the category of COE and binging. I have bulimic tendencies ocassionally. Sometimes the urge to vomit after a binge is more than I can stand.

My shopping trip today just made me realize how insignificant people feel food addiction still is. While online I did find more options for food addiction books, but why not in the stores? There were a handful and that was it. But you turned to depression, ADHD, OCD etc and there were shelves lined with books on the topic.

I ended up at half-price books (a used bookstore) and found a book called "Why can't I stop eating?". I found that I was rather embarassed to take it to the counter. I had found a few other books while I was there (I spend so much money when I go to bookstores :) ) and I hid this book in the middle of the rest of them.

Then once I got home, I placed my bags of shopping on the kitchen table and knowing that my roommate (and one of my closest friends) would be interested in what books I got, I took this one book out and brought it straight to my room, even though she knows I have issues with food. I am not sure if she is aware of the relapse I am facing right now but I didn't want her to see the book. Why is this such an issue of shame? I need help and I should be able to ask for it right? Then why can't I?

1 comment:

Meg said...

There are some amazing books about eating disorders out there that have helped me tremendously. I hope the ones you found will be helpful! I think the biggest thing in recovery is to be open and honest. About who you are and what kind of help you need to be your best self. Are you involved with any kind of treatment team?